February 5, 2024: kick-off of the ANR PRCI project “Ra2DW”
The kick-off meeting of the ANR PRCI Ra2DW project took place online on 05/02/2024.
Ra2DW (Radar Rainfall drop size distribution and wind) is an international project between the department of civil engineering of Taiwan National University (NTU) and the HM&Co laboratory of Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC). It relies on the expertise of both teams in measurement and modelling across wide ranges of spatio-temporal scales of rainfall. It aims at quantifying the impact of drop size distribution and wind drifts in high-resolution radar rainfall estimation for urban hydrological applications. The French PI is Auguste Gires and the Taiwanese PI is Li-Pen Wang. Ra2DW benefited from the network initiated during the RainGain project.
The kick-meeting gathered experts from USA, Netherlands and France. Detailed program as well as a recording can be found here.