Auguste Gires organized and hosted on 31st May a series of workshop on rainfall and the progress of water in urban areas, designed for primary school students. This was done in the framework of the “Printemps des transitions”, a festival dedicated to transitions organized by the city of Sceaux.
The official opening of “Sceaux par tous les temps” took place in Sceaux on Monday 13, May 2024, with Philippe Laurent, the mayor of Sceaux. “Sceaux par tous les temps” is a participatory project about pictures highlighting the variability at various space and time scales of the weather in Sceaux and how citizens cope with...
On 28/02/2024, Auguste Gires was invited for a conference by the city hall of Sceaux in the framework of a series of lecture dedicated to water. He introduced some few features about rainfall, notably its variability across space-time scale as well as several rainfall measurement devices. Then, he discussed challenges related to storm water management...
February 5, 2024: kick-off of the ANR PRCI project “Ra2DW” The kick-off meeting of the ANR PRCI Ra2DW project took place online on 05/02/2024. Ra2DW (Radar Rainfall drop size distribution and wind) is an international project between the department of civil engineering of Taiwan National University (NTU) and the HM&Co laboratory of Ecole des Ponts...
Angel Garcia-Gago defended his PhD entitled “Development of numerical modelling chains to account for the effects of wind small scales space-time variability in the simulation of power production with wind turbines” on 6 December 2023. The international jury was composed of : Martin OBLIGADO, Centrale Lille Institut Rudy CALIF, Université des Antilles Sandrine AUBRUN-SANCHES, Ecole...
HM&Co-ENPC hosted on 22/11/2023 the kick-off meeting of the DRACCAR-NEMO project which is coordinated by France Energies Marines in the framework of “France 2030”. It gathered about 25 people both on site and on line. The project aims at developing “New methods for turbulence measurements and models in offshore wind”.
Bryant McDonnell, product manager for PySWMM and principal at Hydroinformatics presented PySWMM at HM&Co during a webinar on 6/11/2023. The current state of the library, examples of use as well as plans for future developments were discussed.
ANR PRCI Ra2DW funded The ANR PRCI Ra2DW (Radar Rainfall drop size distribution and wind) has been granted. It is a collaboration between HM&Co-ENPC lab and a team at National Taiwan University which aims at quantifying the impact of drop size distribution and wind drifts in high-resolution radar rainfall estimation for urban hydrological applications.. The...
HM&Co team will present some of its activity at the “Fête de la Science 2023” on 14th October at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech. The workshop is entitled “Rainfall measurement and nowcasting : from drops to the Olympic games”. General public will discover some instruments used by researchers and operationals to measure rain drop size and...
Auguste Gires published a new book he co-authored with his children Nathanaël and Nikita. It corresponds to 50 scientific experiments which you can do with raw material available at home. It is entitled “50 EXPÉRIENCES SCIENTIFIQUES pour les petits physiciens du week-end” and is published by Delachaux et Niestlé. The press release can be found...