Day 2019 of the Chair “Hydrology for Resilient Cities”
Accelerate city readiness for a changing climate
09:00-17:00, amphithéâtre V
Veolia Headquarters
Final programme and presentations
Researchers, engineers and managers are more than ever solicited to make our cities climate neutral and proof, smart, safe, resilient, sustainable, inclusive, enjoyable, and to increase well-being and health.
This is in line with a series of unprecedented, international agreements, in particular the UN 2030 agenda, COP21 and the EU Urban 2030 agenda, as well as the emergence of large city networks ,e.g., RC100, ICLEI and C40. The chalenge is to shift from short-term resource and risk management to a wise environmental monitoring over a wide range of space-time scales.
The Chair invites the best specialists to contribute to accelerate city readiness for a changing climate by developing integrative responses and services to both geophysical changes and the ongoing urbanisation along three sessions :
- research: what does it tell, what it does not do yet
- already actions, which lessons?
- how to move forwards? Which governance?
Our debates with Scientists, Managers and Decision makers will describe achievements and good practices which can help to improve the resilience of our cities towards heavy rain periods. Presentations will be delivered in French or English with a simultaneous translation.