Yannis BRUN

I am a physicist with expertise on the statistical physics of complex systems. I joined HM&Co lab of Ecole des Ponts ParisTech with the aim of merging my scientific skills with my personnal interests, namely through the investigation of complexity in nature-based solutions.

Current Project:
I participate in a collaboration between HM&Co lab and the SOPREMA company that started in 2019.
With the climate change and the extreme meteorological events associated to it, stormwater management is nowadays crucial for urban resilience. Thus we see emerging public policies supporting and/or imposing “zero (water) emission” at different scales (building, district, catchment…). As a leader in green roofing since the 90s, the SOPREMA company is looking toward zero emission green roof solutions.
The goal of the project is to define, model and come up with a prototype that would supply scientific evidences of the relevance of zero emission green roofs.

Experiences :
I have a PhD in theoretical physics from Université de Lorraine. My research work focused on the correlations in inhomogeneous quantum systems in one dimension. This kind of system is often realized in ultracold atoms experiments where the confining potential creates spatial inhomogeneity. In order to compute correlations in such situations, we generalized the effective theory of the Luttinger liquid by introducing and solving the inhomogeneous gaussian free field (IGFF). All correlation functions can then be access thanks to the conformal field theory toolbox. It led to the publication of three peer-reviewed papers in full open access.
During my thesis I took on the opportunity to teach in electronics and thermodynamics laboratory classes.
On top of my academic experience, I had several other professional experiences including as a social worker, a farmworker and a carpenter.