We are always seeking talented, skilled and enthusiastic people to join our lab team. who want to contribute to the development of the most advanced concepts, methods and technologies to break down current barriers in the observation, analysis, modelling, and monitoring of interactions between urban systems and their environment.
Please browse our site and read some of our publications to decide whether your interests align with ours. To contact us fill in the form below and attach your documents (pdf or doc files, max. 10 mb).
Job offers
04/02/2025 (posted on) : PhD position opportunity on weather radar in the framework of the EU MISCEA project. (36 months)
Prospective Undergraduates and Master Students
The lab offers periodic internships for exceptional undergraduates and for Master students. Interns work closely with at least one member of the lab (e.g., graduate student, postdoc, research associates). Research opportunities vary but can include modelling, coding, collecting and analysing data.
Please explore our website and contact us via the email address below with your unofficial transcripts, expected graduation date, prior lab experience, and what you hope to gain from working at HM&Co.
Prospective Graduate Students
Please look at the Research and Education section of this website, as well to the Publication sub-section to learn about our current research. You can then contact us via email address below. Please include your CV, a brief statement of your research interests, and the key scientific discoveries you want to make during your graduate career. Our doctoral students are required to have a three year funding. Our School offers a few PhD scholarships that are highly competitive, we therefore encourage you to apply for external funding from agencies and programs, such as Campus France scholarships.
Prospective postdoctoral researchers or visiting scholars
Please explore funding opportunities from various program, organisations and agencies, in particular grants and funding of Campus France.
How to apply ?
Please send required documents at contact.hmco[at]enpc.fr