Li-Pen Wang, associate Professor at National Taiwan University and currently visiting HM&Co, will present some of his work on Wednesday 4 December at 15:00 in our meeting room. This seminar is part of the activities of the ANR PRCI Ra2DW project. Title : From rainfall nowcasting to climate modelling: AI in hydrometeorological applications Abstract: In...
Mike Larsen , Professor at College of Charleston (USA) will present some of work at HM&Co on Monday 14th October at 11:00 in our meeting room. This seminar is part of the activities of the ANR PRCI Ra2DW project. Title : Disdrometer Measurements: Insights, Limitations, and Future Directions Abstract: Rain drop size distributions vary in...
Auguste Gires a pris part à la table ronde “Comment se mobiliser collectivement pour maîtriser l’impact des inondations ?” dans le cadre du colloque : “Changement climatique : comment les territoires s’adaptent-ils ?”, organisé en partenariat entre l’Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Leonard, le lab recherche environnement, L’Hémicycle, News Tank Mobilités et avec le soutien de...
During the summer of 2018, some first tests were made to measure the different components of the energy balance of the Blue Green Wave. A radiometer (lent by Kipp & Zonen) measured the net radiation taking into account both short- and long- wave radiation emitted by the atmosphere and the soil. Several temperature sensors were...
On April 26th, the first EVNATURB evapotranspiration campaign was carried out on the Blue Green Wave, in front of École des Ponts ParisTech. The campaign aims at estimating evapotranspiration flux in different locations to assess its variability in space and time. With this purpose, a portable transpiration chamber developed by David Ramier (Cerema Île de...