Our laboratory was involved in the fund raising campaign of Fondation des Ponts. In a video aimed to encourage donators to support research, Igor Paz and Rosa Vicari (HM&Co) presented their work on weather observations and forecasts through X-band radar and media mapping and big data analysis during flood events. Both research projects are supported...
Today the debate “Transition to next generation cities and planet Earth Future” was held at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2017 in Wien. Hervé le Treut (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace), Arjan Van Timmeren (Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions) and Sebastien Maire (Paris Chief Resilient Officer) discussed about current and future responses to urbanisation...
Our latest research results will be presented next spring at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2017 in Wien, a conference gathering over 12 500 geoscientists from all over the world. From the 24 to the 28 April 2017 a rich program of orals and posters will include presentations on our work about high-resolution weather...
The Hydrology Commission of the Supreme Council of Meteorology* held its spring session on the 1Oth of May 2016 at École des Ponts ParisTech. On this occasion, the Commission – which brings together Météo France, and most of the French hydrology practitioners and researchers – focused its discussions on radar hydrology, monitoring and forecasting of...
Le Moniteur, the French magazine on the topic buildings and public works, has organized the roundtable “Building resilient and sustainable cities” during the conference “Natural risks and construction”, held on 4 April 2016 in Paris. Daniel Schertzer, Director of the HM&Co lab and of the Chair “Hydrology for resilient cities”, has been invited to attend...
Every spring the HM&Co Unit attends the European Geoscience Union General Assembly, a conference gathering more than 11500 geoscientists from all over the world. This is an opportunity to disseminate HM&Co research results among the scientific community. From the 17th to the 22nd of April 2016 in Wien, the Unit will held three sessions, three...
The Sierpinski triangle, the fractal figure that was chosen as École des Ponts’ logo, will be under the spotlight on April 16, during the meeting ‘Fract’art: hazard and geometry for all’. This is a science outreach initiative that has emerged from the collaboration between the laboratory of Hydrology, Meteorology and Complexity and the science museum...
Antoine Frérot Ingénieur des Ponts, Eaux, et Forêts, et docteur de l’Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, est l’un des intervenants de la Conférence RainGain “CHERCHEURS ET GESTIONNAIRES DE L’EAU PRÉPARENT LA VILLE POUR LE CLIMAT EN ÉVOLUTION” du 8 et 9 juin. Il inaugurera à cette occasion le radar de l’École des Ponts ParisTech, dont l’acquisition...
On the 9th of June 2015, Segolene Royal, French Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, informed the RainGain partners about the importance that she attributes to ‘the development of public policies based on sound science’ and that she supports the RainGain Conference by granting the COP21 label. This grant confirms that the RainGain Conference and the French...
On the 4th of December 2014, the rain radar of École des Ponts ParisTech has been installed on the roof of the Bienvenüe building.