During the summer of 2018, some first tests were made to measure the different components of the energy balance of the Blue Green Wave. A radiometer (lent by Kipp & Zonen) measured the net radiation taking into account both short- and long- wave radiation emitted by the atmosphere and the soil. Several temperature sensors were...
On the 31st of August, twelve students, from the Master in Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering at the Amsterdam AMS Institute, spent one day at the HM&Co laboratory. They visited the pilot sites Blue Green Wave and Taranis Observatory. During two interactive workshops, they had the opportunity to manipulate rainfall data and evaluate the new...
On April 26th, the first EVNATURB evapotranspiration campaign was carried out on the Blue Green Wave, in front of École des Ponts ParisTech. The campaign aims at estimating evapotranspiration flux in different locations to assess its variability in space and time. With this purpose, a portable transpiration chamber developed by David Ramier (Cerema Île de...
The results of our research works will be presented next week at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2018 in Wien. The following sessions and presentations will be held by the HM&Co team. To read the abstracts, click on the title of the session, oral or poster you are interested in. Monday, 9 April 13:45–14:00,...
Igor DA SILVA ROCHA PAZ will present his PhD thesis on Quantification of precipitation heterogeneity and x-band radar measurements to improve flood forecasts to obtain the title of Doctor in “Environmental Sciences and techniques”. The thesis defence committee includes Daniel SCHERTZER as thesis supervisor, Cedo MAKSIMOVIC and Remko UIJLENHOET as reviewers, Bruno TISSERAND, Diana MANGALAGIU, Ioulia TCHIGUIRINSKAIA,...
Geophysics and Urban Resilience was a hot topic at the American Geoscience Union Fall Meeting 2017. “Understanding Complexity in Urban Resilience” was broadcasted by AGU TV from the 11 to the 15 December 2017. The video presents the activities of the HM&Co team and its efforts to develop new methods and tools that can help cities...
Yangzi Qiu, Tim Möller, Lucas Charbonnier and Julien Cravero joined the HM&Co team few weeks ago. With different backgrounds – environmental engineering, architecture, mathematics and physics – each one of them will bring with their research work new insights on how to improve storm water management in the city. Yangzi studies low impact development and...
A video illustrating HM&Co activities will be presented from the 6 to the 10 November 2017 at the 23rd Conference of the Parties in Bönn. HM&Co was invited to contribute to this event by the French Water Partnership (PFE), the French Public-Private Platform for discussion and reflexion on water management. HM&Co promo video from HM&Co lab...
Cedo Maksimovic, professor at Imperial College of London and a world expert in the field of urban hydrology, was awarded today Doctor Honoris Causa of École des Ponts ParisTech. The ceremony was opened by Sophie Mougard, Director of École des Ponts, and chaired by Françoise Preteux, Director of the Research at École des Ponts. A lecture...
The beginning of the project ANR EVNATURB was inaugurated today at L’École des Ponts ParisTech. Coordinated by Pierre-Antoine Versini (HM&Co) and with four years of planned research activities, the project aims to develop methods and tools to assess eco-systemic performances of urban areas revegetation. A systemic, multi-services, multi-scale approach will be undertaken so that rainfall...