The objective of FP7-ITN WAUDIT is the generation of a pool of researchers, in the field of wind resource assessment, in order to support the technological development of wind energy as one of the fastest growing industries worldwide (annual increase rate of 20%). The scientific motivation of the project is grounded on current state-of-the-art at industrial level. A technical audit to industry provided the point of departure for the development of new levels of standardization on added value wind assessment techniques. The development of new measurement and numerical and physical modelling techniques provided a benchmark of alternatives whose potential will be assessed by the network. At training level, WAUDIT aims at providing the best working environment for early stage researchers based on the main actors on wind energy research: universities, research centres and industrial partners. A total of 30 organizations from 8 different EU member states contributed to the development of 18 PhD theses. The training activities were carried out under the umbrella of the European Wind Energy Academy (EAWE) which brought together most of the PhD students working on the wind energy field in Europe (around 100), to form a new generation of researchers with a common collaborative working philosophy. A hierarchy of courses, from a general context to specialized modules, on all the multidisciplinary aspects of wind energy provided the best training for the development of a successful research career in this very dynamic field. The association of the fellows to industrial partners allowed a direct exchange of knowledge which culminated, in most of the cases, with secondments for demonstration exercises, where each fellow tested the feasibility and potential of the tools developed during each project.
Photo: © Laurent Mignaux – Terra