Markov Processes
Before starting to introduce the random dynamical system, we will speak about a Markov process. In theory and application Markov process is one of the most important classes of stochastic processes. A set of random variables
with values in a state space
is said to be a Markov process if, for each
, the conditional distribution of
, given
depends only on
The Markov process is characterized by the conditional distribution:
, which is also called the probability transition between two process's states. The transition probability for two, three or more steps is obtained from the transition probability of a step, and the Markov property:

The Markov processes are widely used in different field:
In physics : The Markovian assumption is when probabilities are used to model the state of a system.
Markov processes are also used bioinformatics to model the relationship between successive symbols in a sequence ( nucleotides for example) , going beyond the polynomial model.
The popularity of a Web page ( PageRank ) as used by Google is defined by a Markov process.