Non conservative field
In the previous exercise we play with the different step to construct a multifracta continuous field using a Lévy generator. These constructions are not valid for a non conservative quantities such as the velocity field or passive scalar. In this exercise we will see how to construct a non conservative field using the Fractional Integrated Field technique presented in this lecture.
Starting with the given programs (previous exercise) generated a continuous field.
Plot the power spectra density of the generated field.
We have seen in the previous lecture that the slope of PDS is related to the Hurst exponent (non-conservativeness parameter) by the following relation:

Assuming the intermittency correction is null calculate the
parameter using the PDS slope.
Generate a non conservative field with
by using the following program with previous programs.
// Fractional Integration
function [Field]=FracIntegration(flux, lambda, a, H)
flux = flux.^a;
F = fft(flux);
N = lambda/2 +1;
n = 1:N;
F(1:N) = F(1:N).*(n.^(-H));
F(N+1:lambda) = real(F(lambda/2:-1:2)) -%i*imag(F(lambda/2:-1:2));
Field = ifft(F);
Field = real(Field(1,1:lambda));
Plot and compared the PDS of the obtained field with previous generated field.
Calculate the slope spectra of non conservative field using the value of
according to the previous relation.
Power spectra intermittency correction :
// Fractional Integration
function [Field]=FracIntegration(flux, lambda, a, H)
flux = flux.^a;
F = fft(flux);
N = lambda/2 +1;
n = 1:N;
F(1:N) = F(1:N).*(n.^(-H));
F(N+1:lambda) = real(F(lambda/2:-1:2)) -%i*imag(F(lambda/2:-1:2));
Field = ifft(F);
Field = real(Field(1,1:lambda));
// Universal multifractal parameters
alpha = 1.7;
C1 = 0.5;
lambda = 2^12;
// Continuous simulation
Sim = Continuous(alpha,C1,lambda);
// Calculate the spectrum
tamp1 = abs(fft(Sim));
E1 = tamp1.*tamp1;
E1 = E1(1:length(E1)*0.5)
// Fractional integration
a = 1/3;
H =1/3;
Field = FracIntegration(Sim, lambda, a, H);
// Calculate the spectrum
tamp = abs(fft(Field));
E = tamp.*tamp;
x = (1:length(E)*0.5)/length(E);
E = E(1:length(E)*0.5)
// Spectra slope estimation
break_frequence =[0.5 0.001];
Scalingrange=[1 length(E)*break_frequence(2);length(E)*break_frequence(2) length(E)*break_frequence(1)]
s = Slope(E,Scalingrange);
s1 = Slope(E1,Scalingrange);
plot2d(log10(x), log10(E1),5)
plot2d(log10(x), log10(E))