Spectral Analysis

Scaling analysis : boundary layer

Turbulent boundary layer :

Laboratory measurement of boundary layer turbulence flow show that the energy power spectra is proportional to . [ Korotkov, 1976[1]] indicated that the -1 power law is a consequence of the assumption that the turbulence spectra are fully determined by the friction :

E(k) \approx u_* ^{2} k^{-1}
(a) : Sketch of turbulent boundary layer, (b) : Laser-induced fluorescence image of an incompressible turbulent boundary layer.[C. Delo and A.J. Smits, 1997]InformationInformation[2]
  1. Korotkov, B. N. [1976]

    Korotkov, B. N. (1976). Kinds of local self-similarity of the velocity field of prewall turbulent flows. Fluid Dynamics, 11(6), 850-856.

  2. Delo, C., & Smits, A. J. (1997). Volumetric visualization of coherent structure in a low Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. International Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 1(3), 1-9.

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