Cascade phenomenology


While the model assign to the structure one of the two states "dead" or "alive", the model ([Schertzer, D., and Lovejoy, S, 1984][1]) lets say such structure is more or less active. The model ()process distribute randomly the occurrence weight to each structure of a given generation. It is obey of Bernoulli's process such as :

\begin{eqnarray*} Pr(\mu_{\varepsilon} = \lambda^{\gamma_+}) = \lambda^{-c} \quad ( >1 \quad Increase) \\ Pr(\mu_{\varepsilon} = \lambda^{\gamma_-}) =1- \lambda^{-c} \quad (<1 \quad Decrease) \end{eqnarray*}
2D field generated using α-model cascade

Where : and ;

For ensemble conservation : , which implies that : .

Where and are the singularities.

  1. [Schertzer, D., and Lovejoy, S, 1984]

    Schertzer, D., & Lovejoy, S. (1984). Elliptical turbulence in the atmosphere. In Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, 4 th, Karlsruhe, West Germany (p. 11).

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