
Multi-Hydro simulations

Multi-Hydro simulations have been carried out for every rainfall event.

For each event, 4 scenarios have been tested:

  • One representing the current situation (industrial buildings are covered by impervious roofs)

  • Three taking into account the implementation of green roof with different initial state of substrate saturation:

    • 10%

    • 30%

    • 50%

Obtained results have been assessed by two indicators representing the reduction in terms of runoff volume (ΔV) and peak discharge (ΔQp):

\Delta Qp(\%) = \frac{Qp_{imp} - Qp_{gr}}{Qp_{imp}} \times 100 \quad \quad \Delta V(\%) = \frac{V_{imp} - V_{gr}}{V_{imp}} \times 100

Where Qp_imp and V_imp refer to peak discharge and runoff volume computed for the impervious situation whereas Qp_gr and V_gr correspond to those computed for the different green roofing scenarios

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