
Geographical and technical data

Geographical and technical data have been compiled:

  • Topographical information: This rasterial database called BD ALTI® data (IGN, 2011) provide topography with a 50m resolution

  • Topological information: This database called BD TOPO® data (IGN, 2011) includes surface information on the spatial distribution of buildings, roads, rail or hydrographic network.

  • Basin information: basin contours and sewage network data (including the layout and the geometrical properties of pipes and sewage infrastructures, operating rules and dry weather flow data) were provided by the Water Direction of the Seine-Saint-Denis county.

  • Hydrometeorological data: A continuous precipitation database from a rain gauge located close to the basin was provided by the Water Direction. They cover a full time period from 2010 to 2012 with a time resolution of 5 minutes. Storage basin levels were also provided.

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