Conditional distribution of the excesses
The second part of EVT is called the POT method (Peak Over Threshold) consists to use the observations that exceed a certain deterministic threshold and especially the differences between the observations and the threshold, called excess.
Let a random variable with a CDF and which is a real enough large, called threshold. We define the excess over the threshold the set of random variables such as:
We look from the distribution of to define a conditional distribution with respect to for the random variable exceeding the threshold. We can define the conditional distribution of the excess such as:
This method allows to determine by which PDF that we can fit the conditional distribution of excesses when the threshold tends to the point .
Lets the conditional distribution of cumulative distribution function with respect to a threshold . When the threshold tends to the value :
The conditional distribution converges to the function which corresponds to the Generalized Pareto cumulative distribution noted GPD. Generalized Pareto law is written as:
corresponds to Generalized Extreme Value law. For (location parameter) the GPD law can be written as: