Methods of Analysis

Theoretical estimation: 2

The first method of TM estimation of UM parameters is based on the analysis of the empirical and theoretical estimation of . Lets :

\hat{ K}(q) = \left \{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{(q^\alpha -q) }{\alpha-1}\quad \alpha\neq1 \\ \quad \\ q \log(q) \quad \alpha = 1 \end{array} \right.

Then should remains constant for each value of and is equal to if the universal model is valid. Once the parameter is defined, the value of is calculated using the theoretical expression of .

The second method of estimation of UM parameter using TM estimation is based on the mathematical proprieties of which allow to determine and , using the two first derivatives of function for :

C_1 = \frac{dK(q)}{dq} \Big|_{q=1} \quad \quad \quad \quad \alpha= \frac{d^{2}K(q)}{dq^{2}} \Big|_{q=1} / C_1

We can apply both method for estimation the UM parameters for empirical data. However, calculation errors can cause a bad estimation of the parameters.

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