
Conclusions and perspectives

Green roof implementation appears to significantly reduce urban runoff in terms of peak discharge and volume:

  • These impacts depend on the temporal distribution of precipitation and the initial state of the substrate saturation.

  • The implementation of green roof could be useful to avoid some flooding issues in several cases depending on the initial conditions

  • Combined with other stormwater source controls, green roof could participate to significantly reduce the quantity of water flowing into the sewage network

Multi-Hydro platform is still in progress...

  • Its distributed structure enables to analyse the impact of the spatial variability of the land use, and especially the precise location of green roof.

  • It can also been used to take into account the spatial distribution of rainfall and assess its impact on stormwater management.

  • The implementation of a more physical model to represent green roof behaviour represents an interesting track development to test different green roof configuration differentiating by their substrate porosity and thickness, plant species, drainage system...

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